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Wolfberry Extract Powder Solid Drink

For thousands of years, wolfberry, also called goji berry, has been used to provide strength and stamina while preventing serious illnesses from developing. As long ago as 200 BCE there are references in ancient Chinese literature about the benefits of wolfberry. Referred to as kei tze in ancient Chinese and Lycium barbarum in Latin, this small orange berry has been shown to provide support for the kidneys and aid in the overall health of the immune system.

In addition to its benefits for the immune system, this herb can promote healthy skin, vision and even regulate blood sugar levels.


Wolfberry Extract Benefits

Immune Support

Antioxidant and Cancer Prevention

Eye Health

Sexual Health for Men

Regulating Blood Pressure

Weight Loss

Improved Mood

Prevention of Diabetes

Product details

Wolfberry Extract Powder Solid Drink

For thousands of years, wolfberry, also called goji berry, has been used to provide strength and stamina while preventing serious illnesses from developing. As long ago as 200 BCE there are references in ancient Chinese literature about the benefits of wolfberry. Referred to as kei tze in ancient Chinese and Lycium barbarum in Latin, this small orange berry has been shown to provide support for the kidneys and aid in the overall health of the immune system.

In addition to its benefits for the immune system, this herb can promote healthy skin, vision and even regulate blood sugar levels.

Wolfberry Extract Benefits

Immune Support

Antioxidant and Cancer Prevention

Eye Health

Sexual Health for Men

Regulating Blood Pressure

Weight Loss

Improved Mood

Prevention of Diabetes