

Puffed Rice/Muramure is a versatile food for babies and kids, ideal as a breakfast cereal or snack! Puffed rice is a type of puffed grain made from by heating rice(white or brown rice) kernels under high heat. It is an easily digestible food for babies, but it does not contain a major source of proteins or fiber, and hence it should be given to babies and small children in moderation.


This puffed rice cereal is made with roasted Bengal gram dal for added proteins, and it is beneficial when traveling with infants as it can be used to make instant porridge without cooking.

Product details


Puffed Rice/Muramure is a versatile food for babies and kids, ideal as a breakfast cereal or snack! Puffed rice is a type of puffed grain made from by heating rice(white or brown rice) kernels under high heat. It is an easily digestible food for babies, but it does not contain a major source of proteins or fiber, and hence it should be given to babies and small children in moderation.


This puffed rice cereal is made with roasted Bengal gram dal for added proteins, and it is beneficial when traveling with infants as it can be used to make instant porridge without cooking.


Nutritional Value

Below is the nutritional value of 1 cup of puffed rice (100gr):

Calories 402cal

Total Fat 0.5gr

Saturated Fat 0.1gr

Cholesterol 0mg

Natrium 3mg

Kalium 113mg

Carbohydrates 90gr

Dietary Fibers 1.7gr

Protein 6gr

Calcium 6mg

Magnesium 25mg

Iron 31.7mg

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.1mg


Health benefits

1.      It is easily digestible hence its ideal for babies and small children.

2.      Puffed rice(brown) contain a significant amount of dietary fiber which helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

3.      Puffed rice (brown) has some amount of protein, calcium, and magnesium, which helps in overall development.